C4 2014

This coming weekend is Central Canada Comic Con ((Affectionately referred to as C4.)) here in Winnipeg. As is my habit, I will be trundling a couple of huge bags of boardgames, card games, and RPGs ((Though I have yet to demo an RPG at C4. Came close a couple of times.)) down to the convention centre and spending the weekend teaching, demoing, loaning, and playing games with people for my good friends at Imagine Games and Hobbies.

Normally, I’m a little more on top of things for C4, but I’m just catching my breath after a bit of a marathon run at work, so I don’t have all the particulars. I know that we’re in a different spot than previous years, and I think it’s on the main level, and I’ve been told that we have four tables near the JimCon folks. Other than that, I’m going to have to search.

I don’t even have a final list of the games I’m bringing to show you. That said, there are some particular ones that I’m guaranteed to have there:

So, I’ll have those 19 games at the con for sure. I’ll probably have a few more. I’m trying not to duplicate the list of games JimCon has posted that they’re bringing, and I’m debating whether I should bring the D&D Starter Set. If you’re planning on coming by C4 to game, and there’s a game you’re particularly keen to try, give me a shout in the comments, and I’ll see if I can’t oblige.

Either way, come play some games with me.

C4 Is Here!

Central Canada Comic Con, or C4, starts today. I’m not going to be there this evening, due to a previously scheduled Apocalypse World game, but I will be there all day tomorrow and Sunday, down in the gaming area with a big pile of games to talk about and demo.

This year, I’m bringing the largest selection of games in all my years doing this at the con:

Board Games

  • Firefly boardgame
  • Fortune and Glory
  • Betrayal at the House on the Hill
  • Tsuro
  • Tsuro of the Seas
  • Lords of Waterdeep
  • Pandemic
  • Carcassonne
  • Legend of Drizzt
  • Race to Adventure
  • Shadows Over Camelot

Roleplaying Games

  • Firefly RPG
  • Fiasco
  • Leverage RPG
  • Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
  • Dungeon World
  • Fate Core
  • Fate Accelerated Edition

Card, Dice, and Other Games

  • Zombie Dice
  • Cthulhu Dice
  • Sentinels of the Multiverse
  • Infiltration
  • The Resistance
  • Dixit
  • Elder Sign

That’s twenty-five games in all. I’ve managed to pack them into two large packs so that I can haul them all up from the car in one trip, but I expect I’m going to look a little like Nodwick hauling the whole pile.

So, if you’re interested in playing some games, come on down to the gaming area tomorrow and Sunday. I got ya covered.

C4 Is Coming!

Next weekend – November 1, 2, and 3 – is Central Canada Comic Con, or C4. There are some awesome guests this year, including Ron Perlman, Tony Amendola, Walter Koenig, James Marsters, Bruce Boxleitner, David Prowse, Avery Brooks ((Hawk! Hawk is coming!)), and Chris Sarandon. There are lots of others, too – those are just the ones I’m personally most excited about.

As has become traditional, I’ll be hauling a huge pile of boardgames, card games, and roleplaying games down to the convention, and demoing them in the game area for Imagine Games & Hobbies. It looks like the gaming area is in the same spot as last year, on the second floor of the Convention Centre. Unlike last year, it looks like you’ll need to actually purchase a con pass for access to the gaming area.

I will be showing up early on Saturday ((Prior commitments prevent me from attending on Friday evening.)) morning, and will be in the room all day Saturday and Sunday, running, demoing, playing, talking about, and answering questions about games. You should join me.

How do you get in on the gaming? Simple! Come by the table, find a game that looks like fun, find me – I’m usually within arm’s reach of the table – and say, “Can we play this?” If you already know the game, you’re good to go. If you need me to demo or run the game, you’re good to go as long as I’m not currently running a different game and we have enough people for that particular game.

Pro tip: if there’s a particular game that you really, really want to play, check the box for how many players it can handle, and bring your own group. That way, we don’t have to scramble to find other players and – bonus – you get to play with your friends!

Here’s a tentative ((Subject to change if packing any of them proves a problem or if I think of something better to bring.)) list of the games I’m bringing:

  • Firefly boardgame
  • Firefly RPG
  • Fortune and Glory
  • Betrayal at the House on the Hill
  • Tsuro
  • Tsuro of the Seas
  • Zombie Dice
  • Cthulhu Dice
  • Fiasco
  • Leverage RPG
  • Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
  • Sentinels of the Multiverse
  • Infiltration
  • The Resistance
  • Lords of Waterdeep
  • Pandemic
  • Dungeon World
  • Carcassonne
  • Legend of Drizzt
  • Dixit
  • Elder Sign
  • Race to Adventure
  • Fate

So, come on out to C4 next weekend and play some games with me. It’ll be fun!


C4 Gaming

This weekend is Central Canada Comic Con, better known as C4 ((I don’t really know if it’s better known by that name, but it is the common abbreviation. Shut up.)). As I have for the past several years, I will be at the convention demoing a wide range of board, card, and roleplaying games for the good folks from Imagine Games and Hobbies. What do I mean by a wide range? I’m glad you asked, because I’ve been doing some test packing over the past couple of evenings to see how many games I can cram into a couple bags that I can carry in one trip. Here’s what I figure I can bring with me ((I can probably bring a few more, but at that point I’m running out of games that I can comfortably demo. I mean, I can bring along Cards Against Humanity, but that’s not really appropriate for an all-ages con, and setting up and running Battlestar Galactica just eats more time than people are generally looking to spend.)):

Board Games

  1. Conquest of Nerath
  2. Carcassonne
  3. Legend of Drizzt
  4. Fury of Dracula
  5. Tsuro
  6. Tsuro of the Seas
  7. Pandemic

Card Games

  1. Deluxe Illuminati
  2. Skippy’s Revenge
  3. Dixit
  4. Ghost Pirates
  5. Chrononauts

Dice Games

  1. Elder Sign
  2. Zombie Dice
  3. Cthulhu Dice

Roleplaying Games

  1. Marvel Heroic Roleplaying ((The good folks at Margaret Weis Productions have even supplied a couple of very cool – and exclusive – convention scenarios. Thanks, Cam!))
  2. Apocalypse World
  3. Fiasco
  4. Leverage RPG

So, for those keeping track, we’re looking at nineteen games to choose from.

Gaming this year is free to the public – the gaming room is on the second floor of the Convention Centre, and you don’t need a Con badge to come and play. I’m going to be there part of Friday evening ((After I get off work, of course.)), all day Saturday, and most of Sunday ((I’ll stay as long as my energy holds out and there are people interested in playing games. When one of those things drops, I pack my bags and leave.)). If you’re at the Con, or even if you just want to try some fun games this weekend, come find me and I’ll hook you up.

Central Canada Comic Con 2011

This weekend is Central Canada Comic Con, and once again, I will be there with the good folks from Imagine Games and Hobbies running demos of board and card games on Saturday and Sunday. I’ve made my selection and packed my bags ((I’ll try and get a picture of them up – my bags are awesome!)), so it’s just a matter of hauling them down to the convention centre Saturday morning and setting up.

Last year, I tried the sign-up thing for running the games, and it was a complete bust. The few people who did sign up for a game didn’t show, and I deferred demoing games for interested folks because it was almost time for a game that never happened. So, this year, it’s catch-as-catch-can; come find me in the gaming area, and if I’m not running a game for someone else, I’ll set you up.

Here’s what I’m bringing with me:

  • Legend of Driz’zt
  • Conquest of Nerath
  • Escape From the Aliens in Outer Space
  • Deluxe Illuminati
  • Elder Sign
  • Mansions ofMadness
  • Berzerker Halflings From the Dungeon of Dragons
  • Cthulhu Dice
  • Zombie Dice
  • Fury of Dracula
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Carcassonne
  • Chrononauts
  • Fiasco

In addition, I’m going to bring along the Leverage RPG and The Dresden Files RPG, and am ready to demo either one. These take a little more time, though, so I recommend you get to me by early afternoon if you want to try either of those. And if you can supply a full roster of players (3-5 for Leverage, 3-7 for DFRPG), that’ll make it far more certain that you get to play. Figure three hours for either of those.

So, if you’re at C4, and you’re interested in gaming, come see me, whether to play or just talk about games.

I’ll be there.

C4 Report

Last weekend, I spent Saturday and Sunday at the Central Canada Comic Convention, demoing games for Imagine Games and Hobbies. It was a fun time, with lots of folks coming by to look at, talk about, and try out the games we had on display.

I brought a bunch of games ((At this point, I want to mention that I managed to pack everything into a Paladin Mission Pack and a Paladin Mission Go Bag, that I got from Darkthreads. These packs are amazing – they hold a ton of stuff, and are very easy to carry, as you’d expect in bags designed for special forces. If you’ve got a bunch of stuff to carry, I heartily recommend them.)) to show off: Castle Ravenloft, Talisman, Beowulf The Legend, Fury of Dracula, Arkham Horror, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Fiasco, and Monty Python Fluxx. So, of course, the first game I wound up demoing was one that I hadn’t heard anything about, or knew anything about.

This was the Resident Evil Deckbuilding Game. A group of folks came over specifically to try it out, Imagine Games having got a preview demo copy, and Pedro said, “Sure. Rick, figure it out and teach it to them ((Thanks again for that, Pedro.)).” Fortunately, the game was very similar to Dominion, with a few wrinkles – less interaction with other players, and a mechanic for fighting zombies, of course. It took about half an hour to get things set up and running – and about twenty minutes of that was to sort out the various piles of cards.

But we got through that, and the people who played said that it was a pretty good game. I got called away once things were running to do some more demos.

I ran a huge number of Zombie Dice and Cthulhu Dice games – they’re just about perfect games for demoing at cons, being fast, easy, fun, and flashy with the colourful dice. A surprising runner-up for demos was Monty Python Fluxx, which again runs pretty fast – about half an hour – and is a great deal of fun.
A bigger time investment was Castle Ravenloft. It took about fifteen minutes to set up, and we ran through the introductory scenario with five players in about an hour and a half. I ran it on the easiest setting, and am glad I did, because it will chew up the characters and spit them out. Still, the group managed to recover the Icon of Ravenloft and survive, though it looked touch-and-go there for a bit.

I also managed to talk a couple of people into a demo of Fiasco that turned into a whole game. We used the Southern Town playset, and wound up with two cousins competing to sell their grandfather’s civil war memorabilia to a German businessman, with my restaurant owner inserting himself as greedy middleman. Things went to hell pretty quickly ((Of course they did. It’s Fiasco.)), and it all ended in a fiery explosion and jail time. We managed, by staying focused and moving quickly, to get through the game in a little more than an hour.

I also set up Arkham Horror for a big game on Sunday, but only one of the players who signed up ((This year, I decided to do sign-up sheets for a few sessions, to allow people to schedule a time to play, if they wanted. It was not a huge success. No one signed up for Castle Ravenloft or Fiasco, but I wound up running a session of each at different times. Four people signed up for Arkham Horror, but only one showed. As I said, not a huge success, but we still got a lot of gaming done.)) for the session showed, and that’s just not enough to make a good game. So, I apologized, and the player went back to the Gamma World table, which was running great guns.

So, all in all, a busy, fun weekend. Glad I’ve got this weekend off, though. Two busy game weekends in a row is too much for an old guy like me.